Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Assignment 2

Name: __________________________
All Points Bulletin – Social Movement Spreading

Deadline: March 2nd

Make a WANTED! BEWARE! ALERT! OR CAUTION! Poster for one of the social movements listed below.  Poster is to be on 8.5” x 11” paper.  Include:

For this assignment, we encourage you use to a mind-mapping layout to demonstrate the spread and impact of your social movement.

  1. Photo (picture/diagram/logo)
  2. Description (alias; a brief description of the movement and its goals)
  3. Social Media’s  m.o. (police jargon; where the social movement started and the trigger/event/action that sparked the movement)
  4. How this movement spread (by which means did these ideas spread i.e.; social media channels, rallies, etc.)
  5. What groups in society were most responsible for this movement spreading
  6. Rate of spread (how long did it take for this movement to reach a critical mass where it became a genuine movement)
  7. Duration of the spread (how long has/did this movement sustain a critical mass needed to impact society)
  8. Number of individuals affected – use international or national statistics
  9. Most effective method used to increase its spread
  10. How significant has the impact of this movement been in realizing the goals of its founders

Social Media/Information type

1.     Spread of Humanism to rest of Europe during the Renaissance (as a start p. 57-59 in Our Worldviews)
2.     Occupy Wall Street Protests
3.     Protests in Greece
4.     Protests in Spain
5.     Chilean University students protests
6.     Arab Spring
7.     Protests against Putin in Russia
8.  The Justin Beaver YouTube phenomena
9.  The dramatic decrease in crime in New York during the 1990’s
10.  Green Peace anti-whaling campaign: The rise of Mr. Splashy Pants ; wiki link
11.  A social movement of your choice 


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