Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Assignment 1

Name: __________________________

Warning!  Caution!  Alert! Beware! Diseases & Disorders Poster

DEADLINE: Thursday, March 1st 

Make a WANTED! BEWARE! ALERT! OR CAUTION! Poster for one of the diseases listed below.  Poster is to be on 8.5” x 11” paper.  Include:

  1. Photo (picture/diagram)
  2. Description (alias – scientific and common name)
  3. Organism’s m.o. (police jargon) how the organism attacks and spreads.
  4. Most common victims to prey upon
  5. Hide out of the culprit (where is it most likely found)
  6. Most common “injury” done to victim
  7. Is it considered armed and dangerous?  Rate of damage caused
  8. Number of victims – use international or national statistics
  9. Most effective “weapons” against the infection or disorder
  10. Any other identifying characteristics like tattoos (symptoms, etc…)


anthrax                                                whooping cough                        Parkinson’s
botulism                                               gas gangrene                            chicken pox
tetanus                                                 diphtheria                                  measles
meningitis                                            cavities                                       influenza
leprosy                                                  tuberculosis
cystic fibrosis                                        diabetes
gonorrhea                                             food poisoning
dysentery                                              pneumonia
scarlet fever                                          rheumatic fever


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